Today’s letter is U so I am using Jade’s Uau! which means WOW in Portugese and they are serious when they named this wow. The holo in this polish is amazing. It is like wearing melted copper on your fingers. It just glows. Pictures can never quit capture the beauty of this polish. This is one of my favorite polishes. It is still available at Ninja Polish but there is always a waiting list for this one it can also be found on Llarowe and at $8.00 it is a bargain. So if you like this keep an eye out for it.
Next week is V. I am covered there not covered for X yet. Yicks.
Ciao bellas,
All the lovely participating ladies...
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Oh my God I'm sooooo jealous!!! I love this polish, it's in my WL since the first time I saw it on the press release!
Totally looks like melted copper on your nails! Very pretty.
Right: wow! It looks amazing, it truly does ^^ And it looks lovely with your skintone!
Thank you all for your comments. You don't know how much they mean to me.
I love these caramel, coppery kind of colors. They are a nice change from all the crazy brights going on now. I keep looking at Jade, but haven't gotten around to getting any yet, but this one is going pretty high on my wish list.
Gorgeous polish! I'm so not covered for X, I suppose I should start thinking about it lol
Gorgeous polish! I'm so not covered for X, I suppose I should start thinking about it lol
Uau has been in my wishlist since Jade released the first press release about the new colours! And now it looks like it's soon on its way to me! Yay!
This is absolutely stunning!
This is so pretty!! I am so jealous!!! And I have v taken care of, but x???? NO CLUE!!
Gorgeous color! So summery too!
I haven't tried Jade yet, but this is an interesting color!
Melted copper seems to be a very accurate description of this polish :) It looks stunning on you :)
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