
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Beatle mania Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

When the Beatles wrote this song were they talking about LSD?  Probably.  Their drug use was notorious but that was the drug of the time.  The song is great.  Even the Elton John remake was good.  So, when I think about the phrase,” picture yourself on a boat in a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies somebody calls you you answer quite slowly a girl with kaleidoscope eyes”  I have had the experience of seeing people who had dropped acid and their eyes are so weird.  That is what leads me to believe yes, they are talking about an LSD trip.  LSD was popular when I was growing up and was offered it several times but was terrified to even be around it.  I just know about the eyes because I did happen across a party that was an acid party and seriously it scared the crap out of me and I was out of there.  So in doing this manicure I focused more on the sky with diamonds in it.  I used a combination of colors.  I used Zoya Kristen, Color Club Cold Metal, and Sinful Colors Black.  Then I used my Lynderella Shape Shifter (I found something to use it with).  I sponged all color.  Then went over it with a brush with some nail polish remover to give it a spin.  Then I added rhinestones.  I don’t know if anyone would use this to go out but Halloween is coming up and you could use it then.  I am not a fan of Halloween but I do think I would wear this if I was going out to a club just maybe tone down the Shape Shifter.





So, too wild.  Would you wear it?  If so, for what type of occasion.
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