
Friday, September 28, 2012

a-England Never Disappoints

I must say a-England never disappoints me. They offer such a superior product, I am so glad they came out with this new line. I've been dying to post them but we had a computer problem, then an Internet problem and worse of all, I lost ALL my manicures I had saved on the computer, because the other laptop did not need to break no the one I use to post my blogs did. I know I should have backed them up but I just didn't. I don't think there was anything in there that I can't recreate. Most were swatches of Essie's Metallics Line. I got two from the Gothic mythical collection. I love them both. I have the Mythical line and most of the Legends Line. There are only five in this collection so expect to see the other three later. I was just really down last week and I am seeing the effects this week as every day I get packages. I tend to do that when I get a litttle depressed but I wasn't that depressed as I was sick with an ear ache that I get onec a year and it takes me out for a week or so because I can't walk. This week I have just been like doing something everyday. I have really been working on the polish room I need two more shelves which I'll get this weekend. Plus I had to go see my doctor who has put me on a strict sleep medication regimen. So, it seems like everything has been pretty chaotic. Painting my nails is really relaxing and I haven't done a lot of that. My bedtime has to be 2:00 am. I am breaking it right now but I just have to post these pictures. So, here they go.
The first one is Jane Eyre. It is the color of a Bordeaux. It reminds me of Lincoln Park After Dark with some za za zoom because of the flecks of color.  

    This one is Dorian Gray and I just love the color it is going to be a great neutral this fall/winter. It can be worn with any color.
dorian gray 1 (2)
dorian gray 1
dorian gray
dorian gray 1 (2)
       There are more pictures of Jane Eyre and Dorian Gray. I hope you like them they are excellent polishes. You can get them at several sites a-England, Overall Beauty, Llarowe and Ninja Polish. Just keep an eye out for promotions or who has the lowest price and shipping because different sites have them priced differently.

 Well, Ciao, for now,

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