
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Polish of day 27 a-England NH-8

Today the blogging community is saying no to bullying.  I can't say that I have been bullied  because I know the person  leaving the remarks.  When I say know them I mean I know the profile better than she thinks and I will only leave a broad description because saying more might offend.  She is a young girl between the age of 18-25.  I know that by something she said.  She is still in school.  Good for her, I have strong beliefs that a woman NEEDS to have some type of degree.  She was bullied at one time in her life but overcame by possibly a school move or family move.  So, she had a fresh start and immediately acted out and started to bully and now it is just a part of who she is.  How do I know this, you don't spend 20 years of your life evaluating people, it does flow into your personal life.  I feel sorry for this person and if she gets a laugh out of something I may say.  I am just glad I could entertain her and she if feels that her comments hurt me, they don't because behind those comments is a little girl in pain.  

I almost feel this should be a day of compassion but some people really over do it and do hurt others. Some people get really hurt.  In the last year 2 children have killed themselves because of bullies.  That should never happen.  We do need to stand together and say no.  No more.
Ciao Bellas and Stand Strong and United,

I just want to proudly say this is my 300th post

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