It's that time again. You know, you are sleeping and then that irritating sound goes off. Time for coffee. Now, I don't drink coffee because I never have and of course it is on my diet restrictions but I know a lot of people who do. So, let's just say you're waking up and you look at your hands and remember you put this great polish on the night before. That happens to me a lot . It happened with this polish and I was wow! Then ran out to take pictures. That is usually my morning routine during the week. This is Morning Java from Pretty Serious. It is beautiful when it sparkles in the sunlight. I love polish like this that is not a metal but shines like crazy. This one does that and I love it.
Ciao for now,
Ciao for now bellas,
Nice chocolatey brown - love the shine. I like the darker neutrals like grey and brown. This one is a beauty.