
Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Is Your Blog About?

I was asked that question and said nail polish but I do more just maybe don't share.  So, I am coming out.  I recycle so many of my manicures it isn't funny.  So, I am going to start to share because at the beginning of the year I started post titled, "How to Get Everything You Want in 2013" but never finished it.  What prompted me to do this was looking at my life and realizing I pretty much had everything I needed and wanted.  Now, there are things that of course I can't give you tips on getting like a mansion or a Bentley but I think I can help with advise on how to buy a car, clothing, furniture, lots of things.  So, I am going to throw in some tips.  My grandfather told me money is a state of mind.  You can either be poor or broke and there is a big difference.  I don't know how but I always have money.  It amazes me.  This did not come about overnight.  I have lived both ends of the spectrum where we lived in the nicest house on the neighborhood to a small cramped apartment during my first marriage.  I lived on my own for a while after moving to Houston when the relationship collapsed, I swore I was going to make it on my own and I did for almost 2 years.  That really empowered me and I learned a lot.  So, I am going to start to show you recycle of manicures.  Be more informative of sales which I kind of do already.  And difficult recycles I am going to put in tutorials.  I feel like my blog is still a baby and just starting to sit up.  I did start another blog dealing with depression so there won't be too much about that her.  But please feel free to email me if you have a question.  I am still a licensed social worker and able to guide you in a direction to get help.  I welcome helping.  So, that is my blog a blog about money saving tips on beauty products and teaching how to make the most of your beauty products.   So, in the next couple of days you will see my picture and that statement.

Ciao for now,

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