
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Health Info For Women

Some who read the blog somewhat regularly know I share quite a bit of things regarding health issues.  I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but due to a medication I cannot stop taking I cannot take most of the medications prescribed for it.  I can take a medication called Lyrica but have taken it before and I gained 25 lbs.  Won't take it again.  Then I got diagnosed with hip bursitis and have finally gotten some relief from steroid injections.  The right side hurt really bad and after about five days a new problem reared it's little head.  A pain in the butt.  Literally.  It is a shooting pain that starts at the top of the gluteus muscle that muscle on top of your butt and runs down the leg.  Imagine a rubber band being stretched to capacity.  That is what it feels like.  So what is going on is that the muscle that protects the sciatic nerve is pinching it.  The muscle is called the Piriformis muscle.  I've had problems before and have just opted to go for another steroid shot.  This one is going to really hurt but when I think of the relief I might get.  It is worth it.  Why am I sharing this?  I am sharing because it is a condition that strikes women more than men and if you feel something isn't right make the time to see your doctor.  I have had this going on for years off and on.  The thing is it affects women who smoke more often.  I quit smoking eight years ago and haven't had major problems till now.  I made so many excuses when I was younger all things that and now that I am older they are pretty serious.  I had great insurance but I made excuses.  Don't do it.  It is just better to see a doctor than diagnose yourself and with the internet we tend to use it as our doctor.  Just remember it is a resource not the cure.  Wish me luck on Wednesday because they are going to need a really long needle to get to where they are going.


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