
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hall Pass of the Month

Ok, I am kind of loving this.  I just want everyone to know that I have always had a hard time getting comments and I know people want feedback but it is hard to give feedback to a statement so every comment that I find I do respond to in anyway I can.  I really wanted you the reader to pick the hall pass of the month.  Some might think it is tacky but I just think it is fun.  And if you can’t laugh please find a way to.  Life is to short.  Men have been vilifying women for centuries so why can't ’t we look at a beautiful man.  They are not offended by it.  They love it when we look at them they don’t.   So, if you see a cute guy smile at him, I guarantee he will smile right back.  Men are easy, women are the ones that are complicated.  Remember man was an experiment.  They are basic.  We on the other hand are complicated.  So, if you just are really offended by me posting the picture of a hot guy please let me know.  If I do get too many people offended I will stop.  For next month I am going to choose four men from People magazine’s Sexiest Man issue and I am going to let you choose him.
This month I chose Charlie Hunnam.  He has that boyish smile.  You know he is a bad boy and I don’t know about you but a bad boy has always been my type of guy.  I have dated nice ones but always have so much more fun with the bad ones.  I don’t mean the prison type.  Just that guy that is a risk taker.  He’s going to hold your hand on the rollercoaster and if any guy looks at you he’s going to look at them like “Yeah, she’s with me.”  So, Charlie is on Sons of Anarchy and is the president of the motorcycle gang.  He had been chosen to play the lead role in “Fifty Shades of Grey” but something happen with scheduling and he is no longer going to be playing the lead role a big loss for for Charlie lovers.  If you have never seen Sons of Anarchy there are about five seasons of Netflix.

So, I found several pictures.  But I did select one for the sidebar. 


Love a man in a suit

What is on his mind?

Just so cute and boyish.

These were my favorite pictures.  Guess which one I will put on the side bar.
Ciao Bellas,

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