
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hall Pass of November

It is that time again to select one man that you could entertain without any negative feedback from your significant other.  Well this month feeling kind of blah and with no desire to even think of the sheer pain an an afternoon romp, would cost.   I reached out to a girlfriend who I knew would have somebody in mind.  The list was short.  It was one person.  She explained what she saw in him.  I have always thought he was good looking .  The thing with this man is that he is pretty famous and grew up right in the neck of our hometown.  As a matter of fact two school chums who I went to school with and was good friends with who did a good portion of the music for one of his movies.  Oh, did I mention that Johnny Depp was the star.  One of his best friends is Quentin Tarantino.  Yes, I am talking about Robert Rodriguez.
When she recommended him.  I did think.  Yuck, he was with Rose McGowan but most men have that one really slutty girl they date and are usually quite embarrassed.  When my husband used to say that nail polish is too much.  I would just look at him and say her name.  That ended the conversation.   So, forget about Rose McGowan.  Let's look at this man's attributes.
1.  He finds raw talent.  Look at Salma Hayek.  From Dusk Til Dawn made her a superstar.  The movie wasn't that great but it made Salma a star.  Same for Jessica Alba she had some fame but after Sin City she was a superstar.
2.  He just looks like a really cute regular guy.  We discussed her choice against my two favorites, which are Sebastian Rulli and Alejandro Fernandez.  She said Sebastian was just too pretty and not as rugged as Robert.  Alejandro was just too lanky.  She said Robert had some meat on him.  Yeah ok, I agree.
So, we talked a little more and she said and she convinced me.  Of course under "Girl Code" she called him first so it hands off.
Decidcated to my dear friend.   Thank you so much for your helps.  Love ya, C.
Caio Bella,

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