Now, if your married you probably have one a mother-in-law and sometimes I think there are no in betweens you either hate her or love her and vise versa. I loved my mother-in-law. She was a feisty, fiery red head from the Bronx and she did not take shit from anyone. I think I brought out the soft side of her. Being from a Hispanic family and a huge family we always hugged and kissed our aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We told them we loved them. When I entered the Greenberg family, those things were not there and I did not notice. When I first reunited with my mother in law (if you remember I knew my husband and his family as a little girl because we were neighbors) I hugged her and gave her a little present I bought for her. I was always taught never to show up at some one's house empty handed. She looked at me in shock and smiled. She said, "I don't remember you" and I just told her it was a long time ago. We went on to eat dinner and the next day shopping. We went out that night and the next day we went to Wal-Mart. She had been mad at my brother in law and he called for us to pick him up at the movies. (His daughter told me he went to the movies to get some sleep) So, he gets in the car and says hi to me and gives me a big hug. That did not sit well with my mother in law. My brother-in-law and I hug out in the same crowd after my husband left town. So, we were talking about the old gang and what they were doing. Dropped him off and as soon as he got off the car she says you see how he treats me he doesn't even talk to me. I explained our relationship and she looked at me a little skeptical. I was packing my bags getting ready to leave when my husband runs in the room and I heard her screaming. I hope Patty breaks up with you, you finally find a nice Jewish girl who likes you but I hope she breaks up with you. I said what happened. He said she was mad because her son did not talk to her. I made my way out again hugged her and thanked her for her hospitality. She looked oddly at me. My husband and I ended up getting married and I would talk to her on the phone once a week. Finally, I told her I loved her and she just didn'[t know what to say. The next time we spoke I ended with an I love you and she said it back. I noticed my husband never told her he loved her. I told him I had done it and she reacted well. We became very close. I even let her teach me to knit. My grandmother taught me how to croquet but not knit she started to but died. I never tried again. Until Mom came along. Wee would go visit and spend hours in the yarn store and she would complain that she never saw her sons. I talked to both of them and told them can't you take an hour on Sunday and take her some bagels. All she wants is brunch with her sons. They made excuses. Then she got really ill and I stood up and took care of her in her last days. She uttered her last words to me, and said she wanted to go home but she was scared that my husband was going to cry, I told her not to worry, go home and would take care of him forever. She closed her eyes and never opened them. I walked out and looked at my husband and his brother and said all she ever wanted was brunch with her sons. I held back my tears and comforted them. When they were getting ready to take her to the funeral home I so clearly remember her hands. They were painted perfectly. She always kept her hands painted a bright frosted red oval shaped. She was a polish alcoholic. She always would look at my nails with a scrutinizing look when they were green or blue she told me she most liked neutral colors on me because of my olive skin. So, I would always try and please her by wearing something I knew she would approve of. No stamping at that time. So, this manicure is done for my beloved mother in law who I still miss but know she is in a better place. Here's to you Mom you would like these especially for brunch.

(I did darken the pictures so you could see the stamping a little better)
I did what I am going to call a monochromatic stamping. I used Illamasqua Faithful. It dries a little matte but I went ahead and put a coat of Essence Special Effects Top coat, Then I stamped with China Glaze Swanky Silk using Konad Plate M63. I really like this look and I am going to try it with some of the other polishes from the bohemian line. Except for the purple these polishes stamp very well.
So what do you think of this monochromatic look. Like it or make it go away?
Ciao, bellas,
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