Sunday, March 9, 2014
Hall Pass of the Month
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Camo Nails
A couple of years ago, I had these camouflage Capri pants and I loved them they were in a combination of light greens. For some reason I just don’t feel that regular camouflage pants look right unless they are on men. I know women in the military wear them but I feel that that is the only time they look appropriate in a woman. I know it deals with my gender issues. I feel a man looks ok in a pink shirt but I would rather just see white. I know, it is just me. So, right now I am on a quest for pink camo pants, capris or shorts. I have seen some on Amazon but I really didn’t look a serious look at them so that is my task today. I am home bound since I got that epidural shot and let me just say it hurt and continues to hurt and I hate the nurse who attended me. She didn’t understand why I might need an extra pain pill last night and doesn’t even understand why I can’t take St. John’s Wort for my depression. That is complete ignorance. I have an appointment with the doctor and I am going to tell him to please explain to this medical professional that each of us have our own way of dealing with our medical issues. Yes, I choose doctor prescribed medication. Why? Because it works on me better than any thing else. I could not believe her. Oh, well. At least it is over and what sucks is that I have had five injections none of which have worked for more than three days and I had to go through all this to satisfy an insurance company. They didn’t even sedate me enough. I was wide awake after I told the doctor give me extra medication, I have a high tolerance and I think he has figured that our but that dumb nurse giving me the medication would not give me the whole dose until the doctor made her do it and still it wasn’t even a little bit of comfort.
Oh, well it is over and all I can do today is complain and hopefully find these camo pants because I created this little manicure with thoughts of this pair of pants in mind. It was really easy. I used Zoya’s Pixie Dust in Miranda on my pointer finger. I started to think I might have been wrong about what I said about the pixie dust until I got the spring collection of pixie dust. Don’t like. Look for the review next week. So the rest of my fingers were painted with Nubar Faded Putty then I used BM 423 for the pinkie and thumb using a brown Konad polish. Here is a tip for making polka dots if you have a stamping plate with polka dots unless you are putting polka dots on white. Stamp in white then go over the dots with a dotting tool and polish. The reason I give this tip is because sometimes for the life of me I can’t get my polka dots straight and I want them aligned but in different colors and I can’t do that with a stamping plate so this gives you straight lines and perfect spacing. Then for the camouflage image I used Winstonia plate 223 for the camo pattern using colors Magenta, Pink and Brown on the stamping plate the trick to doing is to do it fast and with a light scrape. I wore this with Seche Vite but it did not look right so I used OPI matte top coat. It was cute and a lot of people noticed. If you really have the time and tools you could easily do this without stamping plates. I just had the plates and it came out perfect the first time otherwise I would have grabbed for a polish brush and just done some random wavy lines to create the camo image.
So, there is my look. I am busy getting the OPI sandies ready to post plus I have something a little different. I started watching some YouTube videos and thought I needed to update my makeup so I have a MAC, some drugstore and some other lines of makeup that I acquired and have been using so I feel I can now give a better review of these products so, I am getting that together. Also, I decided to sell my unwanted polish on Ebay because I don’t have to do them all as I would in a blog sale. I am auctioning them and all are starting at 0.99 cents and I am going to start charging shipping at 0.99 cents since I now know how much it costs. So, most of my polishes are going under $5.00 with shipping. My seller name is plgreen16. So, if you have a polish you may have wanted and is discontinued I just might have it.
Ciao for now Bella,
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Brazilian Collection: My Picks
OPI Press Release
OPI Announces a NEW Line of
Sparkling Shades with Spotlight on Glitter

OPI Launches NEW Color Tinted Top Coats
“A touch of color can change everything!”

Friday, February 14, 2014
Muppet's Most Wanted

Show-Stopping Shades!
OPI Celebrates the Muppets with Limited Edition Nail Lacquers
Inspired by Disney’s New Film Muppets Most Wanted

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope everyone has great plans for this evening. Writing this post I got to thinking who is St. Valentine and why is it today that we celebrate a day that also marks a day in American history where a literal massacre occurred under the command of Al Capone in Chicago. I didn’t think there was much we could do about the massacre happening that day since it was planned that way by Capone but I was curious to find out who St. Valentine was. So, I did a little research and found that there are many St. Valentines so the Roman Catholic Church just designated this day to celebrate all of them. They picked this day because the first St. Valentine died in Rome in the Middle Ages. So, they talk about some other ones but there was one who secretly married couples so husbands would not have to go to war. There were many not a lot of them had anything to do with love and romance. So, it must be true this is a holiday created by the floral, chocolate and greeting card industries. Anyway, it comes around every year and I think we as women put a lot more stock into it than men. Oh, I just think of all the catastrophes and candy coated stories I have heard of through the years from girlfriends and some guys. But I think for us who are in fashion it is kind of of a time where it starts to be okay to pull out those fuchsia dresses and start making that transition into spring. So, I have two different manicures. I know which one I am going to wear but you guess.
Here is the first one. I kind of call this the sophisticated lady. I used Pseudo Silk Kimono and Red Boxer Shorts from Deborah Lippmann. Both are that soft matte finish which is really pretty but in white really streaky. I had to use three coats of the white. You can really dress this up with some rhinestones but I like it plain.
The next one is the cool chick manicure. I do like it because it is kind of a yin yang creation. I don’t know if Christy from KB Shimmer was thinking about this when she created it but it has pink hearts and black ones. I feel the black ones represent lost love. Sometimes I think we need to remember our lost loves. I don’t know if any of you have loves that have died but I have and that is who I think about. The pink ones representing todays love because without the lost loves in our lives we would not have todays loves. Getting mushy. Ok, manicure. U Rock My Heart Glitter polish from KB Shimmer and OPI’s Emotions (total coincidence but makes this manicure even more emotional) on accent and thumb.
So can you guess which one I wore. That’s right the second one. It just brought out so much emotion. You can purchase KB Shimmer Polish at their website. I think this one might be around for a while but never know. So, if you want a bottle check out their website.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Health Info For Women