Sunday, July 20, 2014

You know you are having a weird week........

When all you can remember is doing your nails but it to you it is still Monday.  I have an event on Thursday and have been wanting to use this polish but somehow I was doing other manicures.  So, yesterday, I figured out what happened.  I was prescribed this nerve pain drug, my psychiatrist said it would make me loopy boy did.  So, I know I did manicures because they are in my camera but I don't know why.  Imagine that a pill can do that to you?  I 've got one manicure and a popular eye pallette review.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bats in the Belfry

This is one of my favorite polishes from Whimsical Polishes by Pam.  I used my favorite white OPI’s My Boyfriend Scales Walls.  This is one polish that I just felt white was the best color for this polish.  You can see that it has different shaped glitters.  It is really simple but so pretty.  It might look good on a dark grey or a gradient but I just chose white instead of going for another color.




You can buy Pam’s polish on her website at Whimsical Ideas by Pam.  They cost approximately $10.00 a bottle.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hall Pass July

Now, you know I love doing these posts.  This month's hall pass is a gorgeous man who we have lusted for since he first walked into the fictitious city of Bon Tomps on True Blood.  Yes, I am talking about Joe Manginello.  Now, this is not an very day Joe.   What was wrong with the writers of this show.  He should have sex with every woman in Bon Tomps instead of chasing after Sookie.  They should have killed Sookie off first season because I know my friends and family who saw the show hated Sookie.  That is the only good thing about True Blood ending is I don't have to see Sookie.
But let's look to the future Joe is doing just fine with 5 movies in pre-production.  He is reprising his role in as big Dick Ritchie in Magic Mike XXL.  His first scene where he is sewing his thong was hilarious.
He is also rumored to dating Sofia Vergara.  That's a hot couple.  I hate to see cute guys with ugly girls.  So, I can deal with this.
Enjoy the pics.
The best outfit in the world Levi’s and a white shirt.
Pic from Entertainmnet Weekly
Wow, I wash my clothes on that ab.
So serious.
I love a man who can look good grungy and then look like- see the next pic.
What a man!



Monday, July 7, 2014

Signing in

I have made a major decision.  I am not going to let this back surgery and all the complications because of it take away the one of the things I loved doing away from me.  After much research I pushed my doctor into finally admitting that there is a problem, it's scary and he has to fix it.  When I woke up from surgery of course the pain was terrible but there was something else I immediately complained about and that was that my feet felt like they had marbles on the bottom when not 24 hours out of surgery they made me walk.  They had not done enough to ease my pain even though morphine had been ordered I never got it.  I had the surgery in an outpatient surgical center the doctors owned.  I stayed three nights because they could not release me.  The last night I was there, I told the doctor I could not believe the only pain medication I could have was Hydrocodone.  A medication that is for mild pain.  He said I ordered morphine.  I told him I never got a drop even tough I was crying in pain.  I immediately got the morphine.  It was too late though.  I never got pain relief.  Last Tuesday, I just stopped pain meds but after two days realized I still needed something now and then.  The reason I still need something is my left leg retaining so many fluids it is crazy.  I got medication to solve it but it only cured the left side.  Scary because when people have heart problems they do get edema.  So, I really challenged this doctor and I won!  When does that ever happen.  I needed a win to gain confidence that this problem will be fixed on this doctor's dime.  Patty- (1) Kant (-1).  I am winning.   I have some people to help get through this and I am so grateful.  I am going to be okay.
(I am going to edit some pictures tonight I have a review on one of the best beauty products on the market right.  So, look out for that)