Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kimber’s Challenge “A-Z” Letter J

 For my "J" I used Just Add Milk by whimsical ideas by Pam.  I love her polishes when I first showed it I did not know much about using underpants.  This time around I used Nubar's Marshmallow.  Just one coat let it dry and then a coat of Seche Vite that way it would stay in place.  Then two coats of Just Add Milk and I used Nubar's top coat.  I really like their top coat better than Seche Vite because it does dry fast and hard as a rock.  I used to despise jellies but once you learn to work with them you can have a wonderful turnout.





Ciao for now, 

Review GALS Stamping plates.

I love getting new stamping plates usually spend a whole day playing with them and then there came the GALS plates.  I had seen the review Ginasoguesswhat11, my favorite you tuber , review the plates and ordered them.  I guess seeing them together made me realize I made a mistake.  If you like geometric shapes, these plates are for you the good thing is that I think 3 plates have a frilly design which suits me fine.  But too many geometric designs.   I ordered the Wistonia Plates and those should be here this week.  They do look a lot better but with a name like GALS Princess Plates I accepted something more frilly.

Here is a plate not too geometric.

This one is ok it has some frill to it.
They are all like this. The little designs are ok but I am just not into having a whole set of plates with nothing but geometric designs for some people that is their thing.  That is fine.  This set was made for you.  I want frill and flowers and butterflies.
Now, there is one plate in this set that is a little disturbing. 

Does anyone know what the middle design is?  I think it is a vagina.  Many people have seen it some say it is one thing or another but on my end the consensus is vagina.  I don't want to display my vagina on my fingers.  So, if you know for sure what it is will you let me know.  Otherwise it is going to be in the WTF file.  I already got the opinions of the girls from Adventures in stamping and a little more than half agreed.   There were some funny comments.  So, know I share it with you to try to figure it out.  Please help let me know what you think it is nothing is out off limits in the comments section.

Ciao for now,

A vagina.  I don't want a vagina on my nails.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stamping Sunday

On Sunday’s I do belong to a group called Adventures in Stamping.  Our Challenge this week was to use any plate with the number 6.  So, since I got my new GALS plates on Friday and have been playing with them.  So I used GAL plate 6.  I one of Color Club’s holo’s in Beyond and stamped with Harp on It I was surprised that it came out so easy.  It is usually hard to get a color to stamp on black but this one worked just fine.  I will be reviewing the GALS plates tomorrow.  There are a lot of plates to photograph and cropping so while I was busy doing that my nieces and nephew showed up and they are so cute I got side tracked.  So, I’ll finish it tomorrow.  If you are a stamper it is will be worth the read.
  So till tomorrow.




Ciao Bellas,

Friday, March 8, 2013

China Glaze Balancing Act

I hope everyone is doing well today.  I am so behind in showing swatches it isn't even funny.  More polish comes in and not enough time to swatch and do posts.
This is Balancing Act from the Cirque de Soliel China Glaze collection.  It is a turquoisey blue.  I felt like it had a bit of a rubbery finish, which I am still up in the air about.  Not sure if I like it or don't.  I used only one coat of top coat for this polish

balancing act 1


balancing act 8

balancing act 6

One thing I do often is recycle my manicure.  I kind of do it all the time it gives me time to enjoy the actual polish then change it up.  So here what I did was add a coat of whirled away.   It reminds me a lot of Lynnderella's Connect the Dots which I have not put together to compare.  I will do that in a future post.  I liked whirled way.  It was a really nice fast dry glitter polish.  The glitters are black and white bar and dot glitters.  It dried nicely and took a top coat without moving.

balancing act 2

balancing act. 5



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

KImber’s Challenge A-Z Ilamasqua Cameo

Today for my I, I have this beautiful Illamasqua creme.    The name is Cameo.  I did not have one that started with an "I".  This color is going to be so popular this spring and summer.  But I want to talk about the formula.  Illamasqua's formulas are great.  They don't run at all like a lot of polishes can.  I really hate that because it means more clean up for me.  I hope you enjoy the color.  Illamasqua polishes can be found at Sephora or on their website.





Patty d

February Favorites

February was is a short month but for me it seemed really long for the first time in my life probably because I can’t believe this but I did only 26 post the whole month.  Next month is my blogiversary so I will be running a poll on the right column of the blog.  Another thing is my follower number did not change at all I am stuck at 193 and would love to be at, at least 200 by my blogiversary.  So, if you haven’t signed up please do.  You don’t get emails and it just makes it easier for giveaways.  I sign up for so many sites that if I got emails from all them I would probably about 150 a day.  It’s just a number but a number that kind of means something to bloggers.  So,  if you want join the site and just know that when there are giveaways on this site it is just easier to enter.
Ok, of course I like all most posts, some are too wordy and some are too mechanical and finding a balance sometimes is hard but since I buy all my polish.  I can post whatever whenever I want.   So, my first favorite is my post for the Letter E from Kimber’s Challenge and not so much because I love the manicure but because I got such funny comments from those who read it and I love that.  I want you all to laugh.  I will put up the comments so you can see what some people wrote.


Next favorite was the Ciate Monte Carlo just because it was so damn pretty and I did get to wear it all day sometimes I do a mani just for the blog.  I always have back up pictures in case something happens.  I have broken my pinkie twice and index once.  So, I have pics and other bloggers who if I asked I am sure would guest post but I still just paint my nails or get an idea and have to do it but it might not be practical for what I am doing that day so I have to take it off.  My therapist asks me doesn’t that kill you, I told her a little but I have pictures and know that someday I will redo the manicure again.  So, this the pic of Monte Carlo


Then there was this beauty from Whimsical ideas by Pam.   I love her polishes and she is the sweetest woman in the world.  This is Persian Violets a purple base loaded with lighter colored glitters in the purple family.  I loved wearing this one.  I usually get her polishes and put everything aside to wear them.


I really like the glitter polish on this manicure.  It is called Mooney from Tea Cups and KItttens.  The possibilities are endless with this glitter top.   There is a cute story behind this polish but it is rated PG and some things are best kept under raps, I chose the pink because I love black polka dots with pink and the ring just went perfect so I laugh when I see this but the glitter top is great.  You can get information at Mara’s blog at Mara in Polishland. 


Everything doesn’t have to be glitter and gold to make a statement.  This was the polish I wore on Valentine's Day and I just love the color not too brown not too red just a happy medium.  This is Cabernet by Ciate.


My favorite of the month is Cookie Monster.  I was in my just sitting in the polish room playing with Goldie and her Miss Piggy doll.  When the idea came to me.   While I was thinking I did run to the kitchen for a cookie and it all fell in place I set up the light box and then I used my little tripod to capture the picture and I just thought of a little kid or a woman sneaking a cookie.  You know us women we are always on some diet so I thought it was appropriate.


Those were my February Favorites.  Do you agree?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blue Monday

I remember when we used to do Blue Mondays.  My very first was blue Monday.  Those pictures were terrible.  I was terrified posting them.  I had a bad camera and did not know how to navigate around blogger.  I think I am 20% better and that’s ok at least it is not 20% worse although sometimes……I know I am still lost when it comes to Google + and did order Google+ for Dummies but no time to read it.  Have you ever wondered where your day went.  One time I just could not sleep because I was actually thinking about what I needed to do for the blog.  So many ideas for manicures, I am a little less anal now. 
So, my friend came over on Sunday and she goes straight to the polish room.  Any girl who comes over goes straight to the polish room.  It is just four shelves away from being set.  I guess my husband will have the honey do blues tomorrow.  Nah, I can do it.  I was talking about it and someone pointed out that it was the equivalent of a man cave and it is.  So, I am putting my efforts into this.  My mood is better because even though I wasn’t able to make my friend’s brother’s memorial service she posted some beautiful pictures for close friends and family and they were beautiful.  That really puts me a peace.
Today I did a Blue Monday.  It was so easy and it went perfect with what I was wearing.  I do have a small Dillard’s haul.  You should see my husband’s.  We did 65% off at Dillard’s with an extra 40% off.  This is the time to buy sweaters.  Yes, I know summer is coming but you can wear them next year styles for men do not change that much.  We even went shopping on Sunday when my girlfriend came over and he was just one of the girls.  It was cute and I know part of the reason he did it was to make me feel better.  He even helped us find nail polish in the sale bins at Ulta. 
Ok, to the manicure this is really easy to do.  I used these polishes I get on Ebay from a brand called Peripera,  these polishes are really nice you can stamp with them and use only one coat and be ok and they only cost about $5.00.  So one coat of blue (they don’t have names just numbers).  Then I did one white stripe down the middle. One black on each side of the white, then I put three dots on the white stripe and two black on the black lines.  Once the dots were almost dry I a smaller dot of the opposite color and that was it.  Top coat and you are good to go.  You could use any color combination to do this manicure and that is what I like.  I can even make it a gradient.  Take a simple pattern and run with it you don’t need to be an artist to do this.  You can use a tooth pick to make the dots.  If you ever see the goddess of nail art, Robin Moses, she uses tooth picks makes her own glitter polish as she is doing her manicures.  I am wowed by her she is truly and artist who can paint on a very small canvas.  I think she made me loose the fear of using stripers and dotting tools.  If you never have seen her videos check one out someday.  You will be amazed at her creations and may even realize I think I can do that.
Blue Monday 8
Blue Monday
Blue Monday 5

Ciao for now,

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Butter London Sloane Ranger

Tonight I have a polish that I was on the fence with but decided to give it a try.  The best way I can describe this is that it is khaki.  It is a creme and the formula is wonderful.  It is pretty neutral but I am not sure it is a color everyone could wear.  It is workplace friendly, though.  I think if you have heavy yellow undertones this polish would really not look that great.  I like it.  It isn't my favorite but I can think of two places it would be the only polish to wear.  One would be if you plan on going hunting and two if you are in the army.  This should be the offical nail polish of the US Army.  What do you think?  Official polish of the Us Army.  Think about it.

sloane 5

sloane 3

sloane 7

Ciao for now,

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lack of Posts

I just wanted to let you all know that I am pretty frazzled right now with the happenings of this week and so is my husband.  He's had to work, I got to stay home and have just kind of have been emotionally exhausted.  What has happened proves we have no control over our lives.
On Mondays I go to a DBSA meeting.  Even though I am pretty much in a remission state with the right medications I go to support others as I was supported when I was coming out of my depression. On Monday a new member was there and he said he had a gun in his mouth the night before.  He said he did not pull the trigger because his ammunition was bad and if he had to pull the trigger again he did not know what he would do.  He said that the earlier that day he went to buy ammunition.  I asked him if he was going to try it again.  He said ha did not know.  The older members in the group just looked at each other and I asked him if he would be willing to go to a safe place to help him.  He said yes make a long story short we decided it would be best for me and my husband to take him.  I have done several placements before and knew the routine.  He stayed and we all felt good.  We saved a life.
On Thursday at around 6:00 p.m.  Michael got home and he held me a little longer than usual and he looks me in the eyes and said your good friend's brother killed himself and they just found his body in the Laguna.  He jumped off an 87 foot bridge into 22 feet of water.  I just cried and contacted my friend.  He did not drown the impact into the water shattered his bodies.  There are complex details, I'd rather not talk about.  Like how he got to the bridge, suicide note etc...  We saved on person only to lose another and I keep telling myself it is not fair.  It's just not fair.  I want to get back to the polish room and start working but I have to take into consideration my husband.  Today we went and spent time with the man's life we saved.  I don't know if I will attend the memorial service back in Brownsville but we might be able to meet with my friend if she has a layover in Houston.  I only have good memories of her brother and that is what I am keeping in my heart and praying for my dearest friend.  I know how much it hurts when someone you love and care for.  For me, I lost my fiancĂ© to suicide, I've lost a couple of family members and friends that I cannot count on just one hand.  The loss of a loved one I think is the hardest loss to live through.  I don't want to lose anyone else to suicide.  I just want to tell you of one sign, they say or tell someone they are going to do it.  Never take a threat as, it's nothing.  Consider any threat or attempt seriously.  There are many websites with numbers in your area to call if you know of someone who has made an attempt or keeps saying they feel like killing themselves.  Get them help.  Please, just get them help
I can't even say bye because that sounds so final.  So, I am just going to say.
I'll be around come Monday.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tuff Scent LOVE

Oh, this was the perfect Valentine’s Day polish.  The scent of rose is subtle and just beautiful and the color of this polish is like a perfect red.  It took 3 coats to reach opacity and dries in a normal amount of time because it does feel like it is a jelly but it isn’t.  I fell in love with this one but it wasn’t as strong as the cinnamon that I could taste in my mouth but I don’t think I would want the taste of rose in my mouth.  Like I said in the Kiss review if you are sensitive to smells this is not for you but if you love scented candles and potpourri  you’ve got to try at least one of these polishes an for $10.00 and free shipping It is worth it.
rose 12
Tuff Scents can be be purchased at their website Tuff Scents.
Ciao bellas,

Ciate Cream Soda

This is another Ciate that I picked up from Nordstrom but to be honest, I had to return it because it was almost a dupe for LancĂ´me Gris Angora that I had just bought.  I returned it for a gorgeous green which I have yet to post but watch for it soon.  The formula though was very good as I have found with most Ciate’s.    The color was great I guess that is why I bought it twice just different brands.  If you are in need of a color like this, this would be a good polish to have.



Looked cute with the Hello, Kitty ring.

So, what do you do if you buy a polish that is almost just like one you have do you keep it or go trade it?

Kimber’s Challenge A–Z Letter H

Well, this week I did not get my brand and polish name as an H.  I looked through all my Hits and not a one starts with an H.  So, I went to one of my favorite ‘H’ polishes I have and that is Orly’s Haley’s Comet sitting right next to it was Orly’s Halo.  So, I got an idea  and this is what I came up with.  Haley’s Comet is a comet that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere every 76 years.  I actually was alive the last time it passed through the atmosphere and it passes for around a week so if you don’t get to see it one night you always have the next night.  It passed in 1986 and it was a big deal.  I remember when I was in fourth grade a comet passed that only passes every like thousand years it won’t pass again in my lifetime yours, your children’s or even their children's.  But is is a big deal when you see these comet’s flashing through the sky at night.   We were camping and I am a little embarrassed to say that neither my brother-in-law or husband knew how to find the north star and had never heard of the big dipper.  I haven’t heard of any comets coming our way any time soon but maybe some of you will be alive when Haley’s Comet passes by sometime at the end of 2061.
What I did to achieve this look was painted my ring and middle finger with Halo and the rest with Haley’s Comet.  The using laser tape I just did some random stripes across the middle finger for the pinkie and pointer.  I put glequins on which were not that hard as long as you don’t use a fast drying topcoat,  use a regular one put them one and then you can put a fast dry top coat.  I got the glequins from the Born Pretty Store for  like $5.00 and I got twelve containers.  I am looking forward to using them again.  This was the first time I used them and was really surprised how easy they are to use.
So, it is Ciao for now,