Last night my husband went to walk the dog and check the mail the way he does every night and he asked if I had any packages and I said no. He said oh, no Goldie is going to get mad. He said she always gets a little huffy when there are no packages. She’s put on some weight and isn’t too happy. When they came back she was jumping around and my husband said you have a package and I looked and said oh, boy, it is from Chelsea at Pretty and Polished I eagerly opened the package and wanted to go do my nails right then and there. Unfortunately with five children between the two of us it seems like one of them is always in a crisis and they are adults. So, there was a little crisis last night with my husband’s daughter and today with his and mine at the same time. Nothing major they just call because they don’t know what to do and you advise them and they say they are going to do something else. Why call? So, crisis is now alleviated it is 7:00 pm. I have time. I run to the polish room and start my swatching and I am in love. Literally in love. I have one on one hand and another on the other hand right now and I did not know which to take off so I’ll just think about it tomorrow. In the meantime you get to see these lovely swatches.
The first one is Pretty as a Peacock. it is a teal color with purple, black and blue glitters. It is gorgeous. I did put a pair of panties on. I used Nubar’s Indigo Illusion. It was sitting right in front of me and was close enough to not change the color of the polish.
The next one is Everyone Loves Penguins. It is an off white base with large bluish black glitters, some smaller ones and yellow ones. I used OPI’s My Boyfriend Scales Walls. This one was different to work with because you want to make sure that you get the big blue glitters on each nail but I notice that with new polishes like this you have to dig a little but after you’ve used it around two times, you got smooth sailing you’ll get glitter in every brush stroke.
These will be available November 7, 2012 at The large bottles will be approximately $8.50 plus shipping.
Ciao for now,
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